Sebenarnya ini adalah notes di fb..Awalnya gw di tag andaru, lalu sepertinya andaru juga men tag beberapa orang dan akhirnya gw ditag oleh Achis, n borat..Awalnya males juga sih ngerjain notes beruntun gini..tapi karena judulnya menarik boleh juga dicoba!!n dari pada tiba-tiba planning ini menghilang dif b mending gw copy paste ke blog ini..Check this out!!

Rules: Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with d wedding plan! =) At the end, choose d people u want to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know about u! =)

(To do this, go to “notes” under tabs on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your wedding plan, tag d people (in the right hand corner of the app) then click publish.)

1. how old are you?

2. are you single?

3. at what age do you think you'll get married?
setelah gw lulus Teknik Kmia UGM dan calon suami gw sudah bekerja mapan!ya sekitar umur 23 an!!amiiin!!

4. do you think you'll marrying the person you are with now? single maan!!

5. if not, who do you want to marry?
gw mau menikah sama cowo soleh yg bisa menerima gw apa adanya dan bisa membuat gw bahagia dunia akhirat!!bisa jadi imam buat keluarga gw!!amiiin...

6. who will be your bridesmaid & bestman?
pastinya temen2 gw tersayang!!!beibi2.miss u friends!!

7. do you want a garden/beach or traditional wedding?
akad traditional tapi resepsinya kyanya di lombok oke juga...pas sunset!!huhuuu...

8. where do you plan to go on honeymoon?
SEOUL!!! ada tempat lain yg lebih pengen gw datengin selain tempat ini!!yah walaupun tur keliling eropa juga menggiurkan!!hhaaa...

9. how many guests do you think you'll invite?
kayanya privat party lebih okee..cuma temen2 terdekat yg gw undang!!hheee..dari pada ntar lo pada rebutan makanan!mau lo?hhaa..

10. will that include your exes?
pastinyaa...udah janji siih!!!

11. how many layers of cake do you want?
gimana kalo 3 aja..i'm on diet, gals!!hhaaa..

12. when do you want to get married, morning or evening?
akadnya pagi dong!!udah ga sabar pastinya gw!!haaa..tapi resepsinya pas sunset aja gimana??

13. name the song/tune you'd like to play at your wedding.
marry u-super junior
you're still the one-shania twain
When you tell me that you love me-diana ross
Tak sebebas merpati-kahitna
i knew i love you-savage garden
perhaps love-j n howl
my valentine-martina mcbride
more than words-westlife

masih byk lagi....

14. do you prefer fine dining or just normal spoon&fork?knife?
yg terbaiklaaah...

15. champagne or red wine?
yah gw muslim nih.masa pake wine!!kayanya jus aja udah enak kan??atau cocktail!hhee.

16. honeymoon right after the wedding or days after the wedding?
right after lah..mana mau saya menunggu!!!hhee..

17. money or household items as gifts?
kayanya uang lebih berguna kan?bisa belanja sesuai selera!!

18. how many kids would you like to have?
tiga cukup..cowo,cewe,cowo!!

19. will you record your honeymoon in DVD/CD?
pastinyalaaahh..sayang amat dilewatkan!!sekali seumur hidup tuuh!!

20. whose wedding plan would you like to know next?
semua yg gw tag

Hoho… Pas bikin wedding plan ini tadi siang gw benar-benar mengimajinasikan wedding plan gw sebaik-baiknyaaa..semoga aja beberapa tahun ke depan planning-planning ini bisa terwujud!!Amiiin…!!!Hhhee…

Bagi yang mau ikutan notes beruntun ini buka aja notes gw di fb…Ini nih linknya:

Nah tinggal ikutin deh rulesnyaa…Okay!!

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dheulicious owner
annisaa dwi utami

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hi, my name is annisaa dwi utami, but just call me DU.
this blog will tell you all about my life,my experience ,and what's going on in my mind..and some of my graphic design will be shown here..
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